These Islands in the Eastern of Bali is scientifically known as The Lesser Sunda Plateau. Nusa Tenggara is the Indonesian name, literally means the North-Eastern Islands. It divides into two provinces, the West North-Eastern Islands, and the East North-Eastern Islands. Both provinces have similar geographic character, but share different cultural roots. it is also divided by the famous Wallace’s Lines. The world’s famous Komodo Dragon inhabit the island in the Eastern part of the North-Eastern Islands.
LOMBOK is often compared to Bali. In reality however the island is very different from its weserly sister in culture, religion, language and landscape. If Bali is famous with the 1,000 temples, Lombok island is well known with the 1,000 mosques. This island is part of the Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) with Mataram as the capital city. Sasak is the majority ethnic group besides the Buginese, Javanese, Balinese and Arabs.
EAST NUSA TENGGARA is in many ways different from the rest of Indonesia. It is geographically , ethnically and culturally a border area where transition from Asia to Australia and Micronesia takes place. The territory of East Nusa Tenggara comprises 566 islands. The three main islands are flores , Sumba and Timor from which comes the term ’’ Flobamor ” which has been familiar as one of the names of east Nusa Tenggara.
FLORES, a long island located between Sumbawa and Timor , is strewn with volcanoes in a mountain chain dividing it into several regions with distinctive languages and traditions , scenic beauty , good beaches and natural wonders. KOMODO island one among the wonders , a small island of 280 sq km is located between Sumbawa and Flores and is famous for its giant lizards which are considered the last of their kind remaining in the world today, this unique species is called the Komodo Dragon.